This topic is about short riddles, because not everyone likes to do the larger logical puzzles. If you do like those, then click here.
If you've guessed the riddle, you can immediately post another one yourself. Let's keep it going.
I will start with this riddle:
What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?
I live above a star, but I do not burn.
I have 11 friends, but they do not turn.
I am visited in sequence: never, once, or repeatedly.
My initials are PQRS.
Now tell me, what am I?
A man hangs his hat and walks 500 yards forward with his eyes closed. He then turns around and shoots his hat with his pistol with his eyes still shut. He hits the hat.
How did he do this?
It is able, but not capable.
It can stop, but not go.
It is dead, but not yet perished.
It's a ghost, but not paranormal.
Question: Is the answer to this riddle 'high', or is it 'low'? (explanation required, guesses don't count )
You don't want an explanation, you want a "defining, note-like statement." The answer is high.
The answer is indeed high. I will give unlimited bragging rights to the person that figures out why high is the right answer. But for now, we will move on.
@DarkWolf I gave the explanation by using the same method...
Ok, I'm sorry, I didn't fully understand that.. But your explanation is not the explanation of the original riddle. So I'm still searching for the explanation as the maker of the riddle meant it.
A pet shop owner had a parrot with a sign on its cage that said "Parrot repeats everything it hears." A young man bought the parrot and for two weeks he spoke to it but it didn't say a word. He tried to return the parrot but the shopkeeper said he never lied.
How can this be?
What can you make out of the image below?
There are several different kinds, but the one you pick doesn't do its job.
What is it?
I move slowly but I'm dead. I leave and then I'm back. I'm clear and then I'm red. I'm many neurotics' snack. What am I?
@DarkWolf I have to admit I've been puzzling this over all day. I'm utterly stumped! But it's such an intriguing riddle.
This is a good one and I know the answer. Only because I have heard it before. I won't ruin it for anyone that wants to have a go at it though ;)
@DarkWolf Still dwelling on this riddle. Do we get any hints for a jumpstart or do we have to wait until someone super clever comes along to make us go "Duh!!"?
I will give you 2 words as a hint that will maybe help you figure it out: 'human body'.
@DarkWolf Thoughts?
Good idea, but it's not something abstract. Another hint.. what do some people do when they are nervous?
Fingernails? That sounds like a good snack.
Yes! That's the answer ;)
@DarkWolf Aha! Now I can stop pondering this one.
@DarkWolf nails
@DarkWolf wine?