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ech0th3gh0st February 6th

idk what really to put bc i’ve never done this before but- here goes nothing

i just broke off almost a year long relationship that didn’t really feel like it. the only reason i didn’t sooner is bc i was scared she was gonna commit. it wasn’t messy but it wasn’t pleasant.

two of my best friendships just ended today as well, all bc my words got twisted and i was made out to be the bad guy. i don’t even care anymore, it’s their loss. i just needed to rant 🩷

toughTiger6481 February 7th


Breakups even if they seem ok tend to create a narrative about what went wrong.... If you friendships ended by twisted words or false reasons they really were not your friends. real friends would have asked you for your side. 

Every story has two sides and yet the truth often lies in the middle of every situation. That does not mean 50-50 can be anywhere in between.

once people understand that........ they will never be bothered by false stories or twisted words as only the simple minds who do not seek truth when a one sided story is told and they do not question it.