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Tired and Feeling Lost

gregariousKitten7301 July 25th, 2023

Hi everyone, I just feel tired and lost in life. I've cut off toxic people in my life and I do feel at peace and I'm more focused on my goals. But, I feel lonely and hopeless. I'm currently engaged and my partner has always been supportive of my decisions. I just feel unlovable and don't know where to go in life. I'm stuck at my boring office job planning to quit once I get married next year. My partner has friends, and it kind of makes me insecure that planning even a simple wedding scares me because I got no friends. I ask myself what are my hobbies, but for some reason, I feel unmotivated. I'm trying to save money and follow my plan in life. I just pretend I'm okay and busy myself so that I don't feel the loneliness or feel useless. I feel sorry for myself that I feel like I'm unsociable or not meant to have friends. I do have a dream, which is to have my own family and have a good career. Right now, my partner is my only strength.

marine88 July 25th, 2023


I'm really sorry for what you're going through but you've to know that you're so strong that you had cut off toxic friendships because it's hard to do. And ofc you're not unlovable, you are lovable. I'm glad you've someone by your side.

I hope i made you feel a little bit better just know it's going to be okay eventually, you can do it all.

catbeann July 29th, 2023

Wow, I’m in a similar boat and I understand how you feel so well. I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling lonely, and I’m so glad you have a dream to keep you going during this time.

I’m happy to hear your partner is supportive too. If you were to open up to them about this then maybe they could help. When my partner invites friends, he asks them to invite a girl if possible, so that we can hangout too. That way I have an opportunity to at least try and make a friend and feel social for a little bit. Even if it doesn’t work out, I appreciate the chances I’m getting. Maybe your partner and you can try something similar c:

good luck & congratulations on your engagement