Loss of Best Friend
Has anyone had their best friend suddenly turn on them seemingly without good reason?
I have had good friends seemingly turn away without any real explanation. i never assign BEST friend to anyone because i know people change/ leave etc....
There is almost no way of getting the closure or REAL reason behind the slight IMO. I have had people turn on me or no longer what to be friends over really stupid reasons and some i never found the truth about why....it is natural to want to know why...
i had someone not want to meet for lunch because i was friends ( on social media not even real life) with people who had different views on topics then she had....immature and idiotic
just one simple example of it was NOT something i had done ...
it is there loss if they walked away and throughout life you will have a few or many fill the roll of " Shanes BF"
Honestly, I'm going through that right now with the person I considered my best friend. I hope the best for you, because I know it is rough