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Growing Up

User Profile: Nerdygirlsavestheworld
Nerdygirlsavestheworld August 2nd, 2023

It is like I found the subcommunity when I needed it most. Not to give too much information but I am an adult adult now I always saw it when you enter your 20s boom you're an adult but I am finding as I have gotten much older that that's not true. With that being said I had a friend group that was huge we all nerded out together and we would play d&d every weekend and go to Comic-Con and anime conventions and it was just such easy friendship we all even had a group chat that was constantly just pinging my phone. Now a lot of my friend group is moved out of state and everyone is growing and changing and I have found myself almost lonely. The group chat has stopped making any sort of sound for months now we tried to plan Comic-Con this year with all of our friends and nobody showed up and I just feel like there's a huge hole in my heart. If anyone else is going through the same thing just know that there's a friend here who loves to make new friends so feel free to reach out.

User Profile: Mahad2804
Mahad2804 August 2nd, 2023

Heya @Nerdygirlsavestheworld ๐Ÿ’œ It's so nice to meet you!

You know, I started reading this post just randomly, and hadn't thought much of it. But as I read one line and then the next and the next, I was like woah, this sounds so familiar.

I know nothing I can say makes this feel any less painful but I'm so very sorry you had to go through that.

I know first hand what growing apart from friends feels like. People don't talk about it much because it doesn't sound like much. A sudden break-up, a divorce, a loved one passing away, those things get you a lot of sympathy, but friendships growing apart, rarely do.

I think just because it happens slowly and gradually, no one around you really notices it enough. But due to that very same reason, it hurts so much more.

I remember times when I have just held my phone and stared at it, hoping to God it just gave me one notification. Just one, nothing more. But hours went by and nada.

It hurt, and it was not fun, but that's life I guess. It sucks but we don't always get what we want.

This has taught me one thing though. And that is to cherish my friends in the present. Right here, right now. Because I don't know how much longer I have with them.

So this is what I try to live by now. Cherish them while you can, and when the time comes to part, part with good wishes.

It will be painful, and it will take time. But when you end on a good note, they will have a place in your heart for life. And whenever you're sitting in your car and their favorite song comes on to the radio, you will remember them and all the good times you had.

It takes a lot of courage to share your story like this and I'm so grateful you did ๐Ÿ’œ Thank you for being awesome

I hope you have a great day

~ Mahad