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Feel Lonely, lost the best friend I ever had. :(

cyanTurtle8500 May 28th

What do I do?

Anyone want to be my friend?

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 2nd

I can make friends but they’ll never understand me like he did. I can’t bear to live with myself sometimes, it’s all my fault. I’ll never have a friend like him again ever. :’(

secretDay1572 June 3rd

I’m sorry for your lost

maybe no one will understand you like them

but you might have a chance now to friends with a group who will understand you. Everyone of them would understand many parts of you .💖

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 4th


My new friends don’t seem to understand. I feel betrayed sometimes. I’ve even gone as far as isolating myself from them just to calm myself down. :,(

energeticJar9294 June 7th

Lets try and get to know each other to be friends! U can tell me more abt what happened and how are u feeling and processing ur feelings and thoughts. ð¥°

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 8th


Do you really want to be friends with me? ð¥º

energeticJar9294 June 8th

Yeah ofc 😭

I wouldnt just reject without even knowing you! I bet you have a really awesome personality!! 😭❤️

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 8th

Thank you so much you don’t know how hard it is to make friends. This means the world to me. 😭❤️

energeticJar9294 June 8th

Awww. Wanna tell me abt what makes it hard for you to make friends? 🥺❤️

*Sorry for taking long i didnt get a noti of ur message. I was actually getting worried 😭*

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 9th

I have so called “friends” but there not really friends. People just think I’m weird because of my hobbies. They just don’t seem to like me. : (

energeticJar9294 June 9th

Aww what are ur hobbies dear? Its awesome that u are authentic, and that you are seeking to know yourself. Feeling left out because of it must be really painful. Don't you know anyone with your same interests? ❤️

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 9th

Im a bit of a nerd, that’s why people don’t want to be friends with me. Some of my hobbies are:

DnD ( Dungeons & Dragons)

Playing Fortnite on my Xbox

Playing on Nintendo Switch

That’s all I can think of.

akunknown June 17th


I don’t believe in “weird/weirdness” That’s just a label people made up to put on people who aren’t accepted by them. 

I think your hobbies are cool. I’ve heard of D&D and Fortnite but never played them. I have the original XBox One and a Nintendo Switch but it’s mainly for kids to keep themselves busy and having fun at the same time whenever they’re here. I’ll play with them if they ask/want me to. 

But aside from that and replaying past games I loved playing and there’s a LOT of these, my gaming days are at least for now behind me simply bc I currently don’t have the time to play as I used to. 

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 9th

i play dnd with a few ppl but I only get to see them every so often.

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 9th

What things do you like?

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 17th

Energetic Jar are you there? 😔

akunknown June 17th


If you wanna reach out to me I’ll be friends with you :)

I’m sorry for your loss and feeling lonely as a result of that loss. While no one may understand you like your lost friend did, this still presents an opportunity to make more friends so you won’t feel lonely anymore. If you can get out of the house and meet people, I suggest you do that..

cyanTurtle8500 OP June 17th

@Akunknown I would love that. Would that be ok if we became friends? I would greatly appreciate it. : )

akunknown June 17th


Yes! It would definitely be ok if we became friends! :)