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Critical Mom

sociableCup626 July 10th

Hi, so I have a question. Does anyone know how to deal with a critical Mom? Let me fill you up. So basically, my mother and I went to the store to get a gift for my friend. I told her I didn't want to go to the birthday party. But she was said "You have to it's your friend" ( And mind you this, she told my friends mom I was going to go, but I didn't want to, because I felt a mess). We got her mascara and eyeshadow. So let's speed this up a bit, fastfoward home the next day. I was in my room, on my phone and she came in. She said " Oh I came in because I heard something." I was like ok, then she saw the the mascara was gone, she yelled at me, first talking about a problem I have( which is sensitive to me), and how I have my period. She was so loud the neighbors could here. I tried to explain, but she would not let me. And she said I lied to her and crap like that. I was ***. And she knows I have a problem with organization.

What do I do? I can't deal with this..

toughTiger6481 July 22nd


the best way to deal with anyone you are not getting along with is to TRY to see from their vantage point.... 

If you want to be treated as a more grown up person maybe it is time to have a talk with her on that sort of level.

Take not wanting to go ... going out of force of obligation  does not make a person feel more like going... if you bought things for a gift  and part is misplaced..... as a mom i might not be happy either because being organized helps with many things in life and she may frustrated.  I think parents and children can get along better if they do not resort to "well they know i am this way" excuses.