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Family Letdown

morguebid July 19th

I'm currently struggling with having consistently being let down by my family.

Making promises that they can't keep, abandoning me in favor of frivolous things.

Demanding so much from me while being unwilling to give anything in return.

I'm finally moving to get away from them, and as the days and hours tick closer to my moving day it just becomes so glaringly obvious how little I mean to these people.

I'm just a tool my mom wants to use to make my dad feel pain. She is offering unwanted help for something I am fully capable of doing on my own and is going out of her way to "help" solely for control over when and how I move.

My dad being unwilling to spend a second with me, help me, listen to my problems, anything. He constantly promised me that we would get to go do a weekend activity together before I leave, something he has been promising me that we would do for over 5 years now. Of course that never happened. He knows I move tomorrow and yet that's supposed to be the day he gets back from a trip.

My mom is trying to force me to leave before being able to say goodbye to my dad. While he has his faults, I still love him and want to be able to say goodbye face to face before I move halfway across the country. The two are divorced and honestly the very mention of my dad existing sets my mom off in a way that scares me.

My brother promises me that he will help yet has barely lifted a finger, and has spent all his time telling me what he thinks I should do despite me already having a plan.

I'm so tired of this family, I'm so worn out.

I wish my family were normal

BlueDarkAurora July 19th

@morguebid Maybe the distance will teach them the value of you <3 I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this as I can see how much it is hurting you. It's sad when you can see the motive behind someone's help or when you can just see their obvious lies, it takes courage to keep calm in situation like this but it would be totally understandable if you went ahead and told them the way their behaviour makes you feel. 

I'm glad that you are moving away cause you deserve to be around people who care and be there for you. Family is people who make efforts to stay in your life and I hope you find that in your new place <3

Feelfree667 July 19th

Iam sorry to hear that you are suffering so much in your family. It really hurts when we see that people whom we loved and care but now they just avoid. It is really good decision to move on because with this you will able to get new people around you who will be do more care and provide you more safe and peaceful environment around you.