Afraid to bring my dad home from the hospital
My father suffered a devastating heart attack, that came out of nowhere. And i have been primary care giver for my mom, while my dad helped. All that, I could somehow find a way to handle, but my brother destroyed his marriage during my dad’s hospital stay, and it most likely means that we all will be cut off from his family and my parent’s only grandchildren. My dad doesn’t know, but feels something is wrong. I am scared to no end about how this will end. For my dad and for my whole family. I don’t know what to do and how to help, I am exhausted from being the only care giver and emotional support and buffer. Trying to focus on a step at a time doesn’t help when you are under constant stress.
@BetterDreams657 hugggs you ❤ your doing a awsome job. Something's are out of your contril. So try not to worry about the things you have no power over.And thank you so much for being a carer ❤❤ without 24 hour care I would not be alive rn. So thankyou to you and to all caregivers you are heroes ❤