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Toxic father

ReJiNe January 2nd, 2023

How to get out of silent abusive relations? There's no physical hurt but lots of fear and emotional pain...

My father randomly goes in tantrums and he drinks from noon to night. Sometimes verbally abusing my mom. Sometimes going out of the house and being a nuisance. We can't go out of the house coz he blocks the door/that's where he drinks.

I'm scared every time he does this because I have experience from the past when I was in high school, and when my mother was pregnant that time, he threw the bottle at her and it breaks. I'm scared of the worst case scenario, y'know.

I've told my mom over and over again to leave but she has hope and like tells us it's her duty as wife etc.

I've been applying to jobs far away so I can move out of the house but still no luck. And at the back of my mind, I'm hesitant to leave my mom and sisters at home. We're all girls and I'm eldest.

Most of the time, my father is ok and bearable. I'm just scared of these random times he goes amoc.

It makes me sad that I can't live my life freely.

(sorry english is not my 1st language)

fruityPond7887 January 7th, 2023

@ReJiNe Hi! I'm so sorry to hear about everything that is going on with your father. I can imagine how hard it is on you and your family. I can understand that it's scary for you and that you would be nervous to leave your family. I know you are there for your family and they are very lucky to have you. ❤️ Please know that whatever you decide to do, be it stay or leave, you are there for your family regardless. Unfortunately, we can't control other people's actions and all you can do sometimes is be there for them. Here is the link to the National Domestic Violence Hotline: I hope this helps! We are here for you!