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My parents want to pull me out of in person school...

orangeSail337 December 16th, 2022

I was in online school for most of my life, but over time it got really lonely. I didn't have any friends around at all, I barely got to talk to anybody, I was very, very sad. I asked them to put me in an in-person school so that I could actually have friends, and so they did. However, working there is super hard because of my ADHD, so even if I know how to do the work, my grades are still terrible because I turn all of my assignments in too late. They found out how bad my grades were, and said that they would pull me out if the in-person school if they didn't get better, and stay better. I'm very upset now, I don't want to be lonely anymore, but it's so hard to complete any of my work. It's stressing me out, I'm scared, I don't know what to do.

FoxPrince December 16th, 2022

Does your school have an accommodations office or some kind of counselor who could work with your teachers to provide accommodations? If the problem isn't actually being in-person or the work, but just not fitting with the rigid timelines, then the first step should be working towards making those timelines fit you. You could remind your parents how you felt when you were online, and (if it's true), how much better you feel at in-person school and you want to try your best to stay there. This may also take some effort on your part, if you truly want to stay there and handing in assignments late is getting in the way, you need to figure out a plan and system that works for you to get things in on time. You have to put in the effort to keep something you want

toughTiger6481 December 16th, 2022


I would agree with the other poster to find ways to work in that setting ..... in each setting we encounter in life we need to adjust to and find ways for it to work ...... while i appreciate some kids do better in an online or even home school type environment ....... sooner or later you will need to adjust to others timelines and structure. in jobs or other better time to learn to adjust then when you are young

is the extra time devoted to friends and social item eating into your work schedule? this is a common thing to have to learn to work around perhaps if you had been more forthcoming that you were turning in things late ect instead of them just responding to bad grades this would be easier to deal with.