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binging + body image

orangeSpruce9113 July 4th

i hate the way i look and know i need to lose some weight but the self hate drives me to binge eat which then drives the self hate and it just keeps repeating. some days are better than others but i just want to stop binging for good, lose weight, and be happy again. can anyone relate?

toughTiger6481 July 4th


Yes i think many can relate .... i struggle with this .. i am an angry eater as i am having issues with partner i find myself eating too much

the only way i have stopped is to STOP and think why am i doing this ...... with spoon or fork etc in my hand and i ask out loud why am i eating this.... not for hunger.... and i if possible ( some things are thrown out ... cereal does not save)  put what i am eating in a container or storage bag to eat tomorrow.... when i open fridge and see the "leftovers" it is a real reminder of my power to overcome and not eat to eat binge style. 

Some take a walk or put s time limit on when they can eat etc.... i hope you find your trick or habit to help you overcome the urge to eat.