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indigoCherry6084 December 22nd, 2022

Emotional eating and being overweight or "obese" is something that I have struggled with all my life. Every time I release any amount of weight, I put it right back on. I have spent thousands of dollars on nutrition courses, books, videos, etc. I know what to eat and how to eat mindfully, but I eat too frequently and too fast! I know it has something to do with my childhood and the trauma. I can't remember when I started using food for other than nutrition - like when I'm stressed, bored, or lonely. I don't want to have surgery. Besides, if your mind ain't right you'll still regain the weight away.

I was reading about IFS/Parts therapy. It says there are different parts of you that try to protect you. It's automatic, so you're not aware of what's happening or causing the behavior. I will search for a therapist to try working on this with.

innateJoy9602 December 23rd, 2022


You said it so well. We know what to eat and how to do it mindfully. But, it is easier said then done. It's very hard to actually do it and create healthier eating habits. I know where you're coming from. I think it's nice that you're making the effort to search for a therapist. Recognizing that you need the extra help is a big step. 💜

indigoCherry6084 OP December 29th, 2022

Started work at 5am today.. It's only 10am and I have eaten three meals already. This is a terrible habit - running to the fridge every time a work task gets completed or in the evening whenever commercials come on. I want to lose weight and improve my health so badly but I just keep turning to food for some unknown reason. Even if it's healthier foods the amount is way to much. It's automatic now. I've created an eating addiction! I hate this! How can I break this cycle?

indigoCherry6084 OP December 29th, 2022

You really do need to take time to reconnect with who you are or want to be as a single person. I divorced in January of this year. I think its great. Living in solitude so not much going on and at times it gets a little too quiet. But, now there's hope and possibilities for the future. I plan to travel and maybe move abroad after retirement.

Good luck!