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A little white lie, and some guilt

RootedTree333 March 27th, 2023

Trigger for exercise stuff.

My work does this Step Challenge every spring. It's simple: input your steps into this spreadsheet and whichever team gets the most steps by the deadline wins a free comp day. I signed up to be a captain this year. A Captain encourages the team and reminds them to input their steps. Super easy. Except...I've been completely downed by allergies, colds, stomach flu, and my work is crazy...and my steps are like, low. And I hate to push my body when it's screaming for rest, so I'm not forcing myself onto the treadmill or anything. Instead of showing my coworkers my "weakness," I'm just making up fake step counts...not enough to put us in first place (I'd feel wrong doing that) but enough so that i'm keeping up with about the average of what other people are putting in. Honestly, I'm finding this whole thing kinda triggering, and wishing that I hadn't signed up to lead. :( And I'm feeling guilty about fudging the numbers! Please send me some love.

toughTiger6481 March 28th, 2023


While completely understandable that you are in deep it is nice you did not overdo it to win bet you would feel real guilt then

why not just admit you are ill or just not up to the challenge at the moment..... Everyone has been through that and guess what NO guilt ... and might have even inspired your team to step it up to make up your deficit.