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Partner with eating disorder

k8tyh89 June 26th, 2023

I am living with my partner with an ED and I can’t even tell you how hard it is to watch your loved one suffer and there is nothing you can do. It’s so hard to be that strong person when you are suffering mentally yourself. I have reached out to get some help and support for myself but unfortunately due to the area I seem to be in there isn’t much available at all. I find that by just talking to someone who is going through similar to what you are would make a massive difference so please in anyone out there needs a friend, needs to talk when it’s a bad day please feel free to reach out. Eating disorders are very isolating for all involved so please don’t feel alone

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 29th, 2023

Aw hey @k8tyh89 welcome to the community.

It is so true, seeing a love one struggle is painfully difficult, let alone cope with, while having your own challenges!

I am glad you find talking to people helpful, it can be nice to have some one offer a compassionate space for sure, and a big yay for reaching out here, bigger yay for also offering your support to others in a similar situation. Together is stronger, certainly!

Sending lots of strength to you!💛

HopeLives23 July 8th, 2023


It is quite worrying when someone you love and care about has an eating disorder. I'm glad you've reached out for support. One of the things that help many families is participating in support groups for family members. The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) has virtual support group listings for friends and families, and also list support groups in various locations that are in-person. They also offer support groups for individuals with eating disorders.

You can also seek a listener to chat with and get support. I hope you will find this to be a supportive network and that you will also find others who can relate to what you are dealing with.