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Having a friend with an Eating Disorder. What to do?

HitenMitsurugi August 18th, 2015

So my best friend has an eating disorder and i don't know much about this but she vomits and eats only [edited for calorie specifics / triggers by forum mentor] kcal a day and her goal is [edited] Kg, She only eats [edited] and workouts, skeelers [edited] hours a day and stuff but i worried. She thinks anorexic people are'' beautiful'' and ''goals'' but its really unhealthy and i told her that many times be she doesnt listen. I just don't know what to do... help :(

Do you have a friend with an eating disorder to and need advice/help? Share it here!

SouthernLiving1110 August 18th, 2015

An eating disorder is something that is very hard on the body, I know from personal experience. The best thing for you to do is to be there for her and reassure her she is beautiful the way she is. Eating disorders need to be treated with counseling and she needs to be seen by a Dr. Hopefully your friend will be willing to see someone medically for her for health and safety! I'll be praying and I wish your friend the best! Stay strong for her and let her know you are there.

X Jess

HitenMitsurugi OP August 18th, 2015

I always tell her that she's beautiful the way she is, but she doesnt believe me.. i guess its part of the eating disorder thing. Thank you anyways ♥

ruleroftheuniverse222 August 18th, 2015

I had a friend who did this to herself, we ( friends and family) booked her into the nearest health clinic. The closest one to Kempton is Glenview. It helped her a lot, the nurses put her on a diet and she went from [edited for weight specifics / triggers by forum mentor] kg back up to a healthy [edited] kg

HitenMitsurugi OP August 18th, 2015

That sounds awesome, but she's only 13 :/

SouthernLiving1110 August 18th, 2015

13 is around when it usually starts. I'd suggest to her parents maybe?

HitenMitsurugi OP August 18th, 2015

She doesnt want her parents to know.

ruleroftheuniverse222 August 18th, 2015

What she is doing to herself, is not good. Her parents may just need the situation brought to their attention

SouthernLiving1110 August 18th, 2015

I hid mine from my parents. What she needs is a huge support system to help her while she is young before it becomes severe.

HitenMitsurugi OP August 18th, 2015

Oh wait sorry her parents know she already goes to the psch (i dont know how to say in English) for 3 years but nothing changed

Anomalia August 18th, 2015

@HitenMitsurugi - Your friend is lucky to have someone in her life that cares as much for her as you clearly do. That said, there's not a lot you can do outside of continue to be there for her and encourage her to recover. Because she is a minor, her parents have the ability to put her into treatment for this, so it is important that they are aware of the situation, and it sounds like they are. Outside of that, the best thing you can do is continue to love and support her while she comes to terms with her disorder and hopefully moves towards recovery. This thread has some tips for things to do and not do to help support her.

Take care, sweetie, and reach out for help and support for yourself, as well. Watching a friend suffer can be really hard on you, and it's important you have support to help you through it.

HitenMitsurugi OP August 19th, 2015

Thank you very much. :)

littleone12 September 7th, 2015

My friend (boy+gay) is bulimic and self harms. He thinks he's fat and worthless. His family only recently found out about it but I've known for ages. He gets help from the doctors and a psych- he was prescribed anxiety pills but they didn't work... He struggles with binging and purging. I don't know what to do- I've been trying to help him for over a year and nothing seems to work.

Anomalia September 8th, 2015

@littleone12 - this post has some tips for supporting a loved one with an eating disorder. If you want to chat more, feel free to reach out to me.

littleone12 September 10th, 2015

Again, thank you- I just want to help him through this.