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15 pregnant and I think she has an ED

UnicornRainbows7 February 6th, 2022

I once had an eating disorder and have a family member I believe has an eating disorder. I thought so before but wasn't around her enough. Recently she moved into my house with some other family. She is now pregnant and I think she's using the nausea and such as a way to not eat and use other behaviors. Has anyone experienced a pregnant relative or friend that dealt with an eating disorder? Or maybe you are that person. Helping a pregnant 15 year old is different than me who had pretty much only known an eating disorder.

fruityPond7887 February 25th, 2022


Hi! First, I want to say how amazing of a person you are for reaching out to find ways to help your relative. ❤️ I'm sure that's not easy on you as you've suffered with an eating disorder as well. Have you tried talking to her about everything? I've never struggled with an eating disorder, but I would like to give you a few resources that maybe you could give her! This is the Helpline for the National Eating Disorders Association if she would like to get more help! Here's some more information about eating disorders from the Crisis Text Line! She can also text the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 if need be!

I hope this helps! Thank you for looking out for her! You're amazing!