i dont know if i have an eating disorder
food consumes me. i log all my food and exersize and watch what i eat and it depresses me like i used to be. i hate myself when i eat bad foods. does this constitute as a disorder?
Hello, there are several factors that would need to be considered in order to make a preliminary diagnosis. Things like length of time these episodes have occured, your medical history, your age, etc. Remember these can only be made by a professional. But if you'd like to read about the different eating disorders and how to get help such as observing the warning signs... feel free to check this page out:http://www.allianceforeatingdisorders.com
@stresseddepressedwelldressed20 - Like @CounselorKarin said, only a doctor could actually diagnose you, but whether or not it fits the clinical definition of an eating disorder, it definitely sounds like it's become an issue and it's harming other parts of your life. It sounds like it would be really good to talk to someone, maybe a counselor or therapist about what's going on. Do you feel like that would be an option for you? Or are there other people you can talk to about this in your life? I know that the sooner you start to deal with things like this, the faster and easier recovery can be. Take care
You should definitely see a professional about this, but since you are on this site, you probably won't. In my opinion, you are anorexia and in myopinion, you don't have to be and you can beat anorexia.
Hello! As several posters before me have said, none of us here are doctors or any type of medical professionals. Speaking purely as someone with plenty of personal experience with eating disorders I do think that what you?ve described is a cause for concern, and something that you should talk to a doctor, therapist, or other professional about as soon as you can.
I hate to eat and wanna be skinny and other people call me anorexic but i dont know if i am or not. Would that make me anorexic or not??
@lostinmyownhead24 - as I'm not a doctor, I can't tell you whether or not you have an eating disorder, but it sounds like you certainly are having some issues with food that warrant attention. Could you talk to a doctor or a therapist about what's going on?