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I want to not think about food :(

tas54722 February 10th, 2022

i don’t restrict food drastically but I also don’t eat enough so I feel safe. I have safe foods I always go to and know the calories in most things. I’ve tied my worth to wanting to be really skinny for years. And then every few weeks I end up binging usually it’s triggered when I go through spells of feeling sad lonely or even bored. I moved away from home 6 months ago and I really miss my friends and family, when I’m alone by myself to long I usually end up binging on food as I’ve time to really think about my life and then I get scared I’m not making the right decisions or not on the right path etc. I’ve never been happy with my body image I’ve always wanted to just be smaller. When I go through phases of restricting and being distracted I feel most happy, that’s when I think I’m really fine but then it always ends up getting bad again and I just have panic attacks and break down. I’ve been going through this cycle for a few years now and I’m so fed up and tired of it yet I still have as much as a desire to be stick thin. I wish I had space to think about different things - beneficial things.. I feel like I’m suffocating and have no purpose to my life a lot of the time. I’m so lost idek what this message will do as I only downloaded it. But yea everything is just really awful, plus I have covid so can’t even see anyone here.

cyanPlatypus6370 February 11th, 2022

@tas54722 -- I just read your post's title. I won't read your full post right now because my ED is being really loud at the moment.

I just wanted to say 'hi' and to remind you ...

You Are Not Alone!

I can strongly relate to the statement: I just want to not think about food for a while! To be able to be fully engaged in reading a book, or playing with my niece and nephew, or giving myself the gift of a nap! I would like to do something else - 100% and not even realize until later that I wasn't thinking about food. (sigh) Well, I do need to have a goal... that is an okay one for now.

Do take care of yourself. Stay warm and Drink more water :)

Alongside you, Platy

snowylovegood February 21st, 2022


I want you to know that you are not the only one experiencing this, and that these things do happen to good, kind, loving people with lots of things to live for. I have also experienced how consuming an ED can be, and I know how difficult it can be to look around at how much it has taken over, but I want to validate that you have made great progress by being aware of your behaviors and the need to change! Has anything been able to help you with this in the past, even a little? Or how much do you remember about who you were before your ED?

snowylovegood February 21st, 2022

Also, I am here for you if you want to reach out and we can chat!