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Eating disorder???

forcefulBike5695 May 24th, 2015

I don't even know. I used to exercise a lot and then threw up what came up. If that makes any sense. I didn't know this was unhealthy, I�just wanted to lose weight. Recently, I�started skipping lunch at school and I�threw my lunch in the bin. I still throw up sometimes but I�try not to. And I�have this obsession, after I�eat something I�weigh myself. If I�am slightly over my max weight (which is [weight edited by 24Help1]kg) I�start running.�I�keep looking up ways to lose weigh,t even when I�try�to force myself not to. But sometimes I�just don't care what I�eat. I don't know what's wrong with me. ((Extra info - I�used to cut))�

Anomalia May 25th, 2015

@forcefulbike5695 - I can't diagnose anything officially, because I'm not a doctor, but it certainly sounds like you're headed down a really unhealthy path. As someone who has been there before, I can tell you that no matter how much it feels like it's helping at the beginning, it can really quickly get out of control. I would urge you to talk to someone, a friend, a family member, even a listener on here to talk about where you're at right now. Take care