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Do i have an ed?

understandingOcean8592 May 28th, 2022

Lately i ve found myself obsessing over food . I love controlling the amound of food i eat . I wonder, is that unhealthy in any way? Like , somedays, i eat like 2 or 3 cookies and when i stop i feel so good for stoping like im doing the right thing even when im still hungry. Or others i tend to bringe eat so bad and i lose controll , and get upset. Do i have an ed?

anxietywarrior23 May 28th, 2022


I encourage you to ask your doctor for guidance

understandingOcean8592 OP May 29th, 2022

Thank you so much . I really want to figure this out and start this journey but i get really anxious talking about it for some reason . Maybe i need more time to process my feelings idk . I know that i should get help but my mom is not that open in the idea of me going to an expert. I dont really want to tell her tho beacuse i know shes gonna get upset and my dad is gonna get angry for me being "overdramaric" or theyre just going to forget it . I just dont want to make a big deal out of it . im a teen and they think im just "going through a phase":(