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Does it sound like I have an eating disorder?

LittleGinger January 26th, 2015

I feel fat, I am fat. I've tried to vomit multiple times, I want to be smaller, if I'm smaller I'll be happier. I try to only eat dinner only because I'm forced to. I used to jog for 2 hours nearly everyday now I'm too tired to jog so I walk. I feel guilty eating. I'm confused, I don't know if I have an eating disorder or if I just really hate food.

nicePine9256 January 26th, 2015

I know what you are going through, because I have go through it my self. I even fall back on voiting as an attemptto make myself feel better - if (on the odd occasions) it does make me feel better its only for a few minutes, then the orginal problem comes back up.
The reason why you are too tired to fun these days is becasue your body isntgetting the fuel it needs.

In a bizare twist - under eating is going to do the oposite of what you want. your body stores fat for when it needs it (its from our hunter gather days)ie. times of low food, or cold weather, excersicemakes your body use that stored fat as energy.

When you eat less, your body goes "low food time - store everything you can"by eating less, you are telling your body, that there isnt enough food around, so it does its best to only use as little energy as possible (ie your too tired to run now) and triesto store every bit of extra energy in the body. this gets stored as fat.
please not im not a nutrotionist or a doctor - but that is how it was explained to me.

I think you are on your way to having a problem. if your not confitable talking to a doctor, go see a nutrotionist or a dietitian, as they can help you understand what your body does and doesnt need.

and on a side note - i lost weight when i stopped vomiting. I didnt to any extr exercise or eat any less - in fact i eat lots of snakes much of the day. Try this. you dont feel like your eating much but your body is getting the fuel it needs.

mags7121 November 4th, 2015

You sound exactly like me about a year and a half ago, I was convinced I didn't have an ed because I couldn't make myself puke and I still ate dinner and sometimes lunch. But then one day after several times trying to puke I did it and I spiraled out of control I got addicted to puking did it several times a day and didn't care where I was when doing it now I only eat dinner and sometimes my stomach aches after eating that one meal. If there's one thing you can do for yourself is to stop trying to puke it is drug and the side effects come quickly. The day I started puking is my biggest mistake and regret, and I'm trying hard to take it back. Please don't let this become your story cuz it's a bad one without a happy ending.