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Am I developing an eating disorder?

lindamay October 6th, 2015

hello, I have a doubt. I've always been too thin and everyone thought I had anorexia.But it did not. But everything changed when I created an account on tumblr and I began to see many skinny girls and texts of "100 reasons to stop eating." I started to get worried about my weight .At first it was just silly thoughts but over time, these thoughts began to possess me. I stopped taking the breakfast and also stopped eating during the day. Just ate for lunch and dinner. But yesterday I felt disgusting and fat so I did not had lunch, and at dinner I only ate a sandwich. This morning I felt ill at school and all my friends said I was too pale and looked sick, but I lied and said I was fine. I am worried. I am 14 years old, I measure 5'3 "and weight [edited for weight specifics / triggers by forum mentor] pounds. Am I developing an eating disorder?

PS: sorry for the bad english :(

Anomalia October 6th, 2015

@LindaMay - I'm not a doctor, so I can't formally diagnose anything, but whether it's officially an eating disorder or not, it certainly sounds like it's a pretty big issue and really dangerous to your health. Have you talked to anyone about it? Do you feel like you could talk to your parents or a teacher at school to get the help and support you need? Please reach out to a listener here if you think you could use some extra help brainstorming ideas or if you need to talk through what's going on. Take care

lindamay OP October 6th, 2015

@Anomalia - I haven't talked to anyone about this. I feel that no one will understand me and I'm afraid of what my parents will think of me. But I'll try to talk to a listener of seven cups of tea.
Thank you :)

Anomalia October 6th, 2015

@lindamay - I'm really glad to hear that you're going to try talking to a listener. Sometimes having that anonymous conversation can really help and can even make you feel more comfortable talking about it in general. And I do understand that feeling that no one will understand what you're feeling, but I promise that there are a lot of people going through or who have been through very similar things who will understand far more than you can expect. I with the best for you and know that you are strong enough to beat this.

lindamay OP October 6th, 2015

@Anomalia this is really good to hear. thank you! you are very nice :)

aeng1421 October 6th, 2015

i think i do have an eatin disorder.... i compulsively eat even though im not hungry i juss like the taste of food.. im usually [edited for weight specifics/triggers by forum mentor] pounds is normal for me but ive hit my highest [edited] pounds because i dont have self control...

Anomalia October 7th, 2015

@aeng1421 - Is this something you've been able to talk about with a parent or a counselor? I don't know what a healthy weight is for you, so it's hard to address specifically, but if you feel like you're unable to control yourself, sometimes distractions can help, or allowing yourself a taste but not too much. Mostly, though, I think being able to really talk about what's going on can make a big difference. Reaching out to a listener or a friend might help a lot. Take care

selfconfidentLemon3866 October 7th, 2015

If I'm binge eating none stopping and keep eating will I develop an eating disorder cuz I've been gaining too much weight I'm stressing out having depression anxiety panic attack frieghtened scared confused lately.

Anomalia October 7th, 2015

@selfconfidentLemon3866 - What's happening now won't necessarily lead to an eating disorder, though it could, but it certainly sounds like there's a lot going on right now that you could use support with. What does your support network currently look like? What things have you tried to help with your depression and anxiety? Has anything worked, even a little bit?