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Still Struggling

FreeHerSoul April 5th, 2015

I've Struggled With Anorexia And Bulimia Since 6Th Grade (In A Freshman In High School Now) ANd Someone Found OUT I Was Bulimic and Told A School Counselor. I've Been Going In To Talk To Her But My Mom Found Out And Refuses To Let Me Go To A Counselor Now. After 4Months Of Being Clean I Relapse In Burning Myself And Have Started Purging Again. I Honestly Wanna Die Because I'll Never Be Healthy Or Happy.

Anomalia April 5th, 2015

That sounds like an incredibly tough situation, and I'm sorry you're under so much stress. It sounds like you really want to recover, and I know you can. Relapse is a normal part of the process, so this does not have to mean giving up.

Are you able to see the counselor without your mom knowing about it? Or do you think your mom might be willing to let you talk to someone if you explain to her why you need to? I have found that sometimes conversations can get really heated in the moment, but it helps me to write down what I want someone to understand and give them a letter or send an email so that I can say everything I need to without being interrupted and they can process it in their own time.

Either way, I'm glad you are reaching out here, and I hope you can get some of the support you need from this community. <3

PookiePink95 April 5th, 2015

If you ever need to talk about it I'm here. I struggle with food and eating. I don't want to eat and when I do there are strange habits andobsession over kekeeping clean while I eat Recovery is possible it is just hard to reach but it will be worth it!