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Help me stop being bulimic pls pls pls

dreamyskies1010 July 25th, 2023


Im ZZ, Im 15 and i pretty much hate everything abt myself. I constantly feel ugly and fat and regularly breakdown over it. I'm slightly bulimic (used to vomit everyday bt now have limited myself to two times a week) and I try rlly hard to starve myself and run on black coffees. It doesnt help that my parents constantly make comments abt my weight which eats away at my self esteem even more.

Do you guys have any tips or suggestions to help me get over this...

gregariousKitten7301 July 25th, 2023

@dreamyskies1010 I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm no expert about bulimia but I did go through mild eating disorder and body dysmorphia for years. It's an on going struggle, stemming from feeling ugly, not good enough, unlovable and etc. But when my health deteriorated, I realized that taking care of myself to survive and choosing to accomplish my dreams is more important than being a size zero. It all comes down to the question, do you accept yourself despite your flaws? Us humans crave love and acceptance. For me, it's so easy to accept others but not myself. I was listening to a podcast about how to love yourself, and I found out that loving yourself means accepting all my flaws as a human. I look at other women in different shapes and personality, and I find them even more beautiful because they show confidence by simply being who they are. Not everyone will be loving which is really the harsh truth. But everything starts within you. You are on in a million, stay unique, true to yourself and focus on your dreams. It is not an easy path to recovery, sometimes you need help from a professional. But once you try accepting yourself day by day and seeing your strengths, you'll realize how beautiful you are without the approval of others.