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stop bingeing

User Profile: jhyeee
jhyeee October 10th, 2024

i wanna know how to stop bingeing because i basically binge every day and it’s really bad. i feel super bloated and like i can’t breathe after. i used to be a gymnast and i don’t have great body image. tips on stopping?

User Profile: Arie3
Arie3 October 15th, 2024

hey, i get your frustration. i would like you to ask yourself these questions and reflect on it.
Are you aware of any possible triggers that cause you to binge? Can you think of a way to avoid them?
Have you found any coping strategies that might have helped you?
Can you think of anything that might have had a bad influence on your relationship with food?

I think this post would help a lot, feel free to check it out!
Let me know if it helped. im here for you in my pms as well <3