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User Profile: Julienjesus
Julienjesus September 11th, 2021

Hello, my name is Julie and I'm so tired of binging. I'm planning on doing something about it as soon as possible. I've lost 25 lb so far. I still have a ways to go but at least I know what to do. I'm going to eat healthy and drink a ton of water. I'm going to mark my progress here. God willing.πŸ’›πŸ’—πŸ˜‰πŸ˜€

User Profile: Julienjesus
Julienjesus OP September 12th, 2021

Well I started eating healthy again and I have lost another 5 lb. This is going to be the biggest challenge I've ever done. I found a secret, something to binge on that does not have any calories. I saute an onion in olive oil spray. And then season it. I can't tell you how my onions are saving me. I know it sounds weird but it's working.