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I'm scared I have an ED and I want to stop overeating.. help.

User Profile: simplysweet
simplysweet April 20th, 2015

I used to be very skinny when I was little. Now, I am about average. I'm a little chubby in the face even. I have been desperate to lose weight for over three years.. I have NO idea how I can stop eating. Not entirely of course, I've been eating healthier foods, but not even entirely healthy. I just do NOT know how to control myself.. someone please help me.

User Profile: iMDistressed
iMDistressed April 20th, 2015

That was like me growing up. Was skinny when i was little and as i get older i get bigger. But thats because i stopped growing. I have a bad eating patern but it doesnt mean i have a ED. Your weight will change and so will your eating habbits. Im just running of experience and going off what you gave me. But dont worry to much. Just worry about not over doing it. If you wnna watch your weight get a fitness app. They help alot when monitoring your daily intake and maybe you can see what you can work on. But average is still good. Dont freak out! Stress just makes it worse.

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User Profile: simplysweet
simplysweet OP April 21st, 2015

Thank you so much:)

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User Profile: teenxidle
teenxidle April 20th, 2015

This just means you're growing, okay? Gaining weight is a normal thing to happen! It's not a bad thing :) It just means you're healthy and growing. Finding a dietitian or something to plan a meal plan might work if you want. I hope I helped somehow.

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User Profile: simplysweet
simplysweet OP April 21st, 2015

I feel like I'm done growing though? I'm 17, but I am not getting taller:/

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User Profile: Akira2
Akira2 April 20th, 2015


Seems like youre just going through a growth spurt.

I just want you to know, anytime you start to get worried, please get help. You dont have to be sure. The earlier the better . Especially as its "out of control" like you mentioned.

User Profile: AthenleyJones
AthenleyJones April 20th, 2015

I used to over-eat. Okay my tips for it are.. 1. When you feel like eating, wait ten minutes. If you're still hungry, eat. This makes sure you're not just eating bc you're stressed but bc you're actually hungry 2. Eat more frequent, smaller meals and on a schedule. I'm glad to hear you're eating healthy, keep it up! 3. Don't starve yourself, even if you want to. You'll just feel like crap, pig out, and then feel like crap again. It's a cycle and it sucks. Regulate your diet, don't stop eating. And at that, don't diet. Make lifestyle changes. Remember you are lovely no matter what weight you are. You're a wonderful person and you deserve every happiness in the world. Believe in yourself a day love yourself darling!

User Profile: Thecatbutt
Thecatbutt April 20th, 2015

The only thing that ever helps me when I binge bad is just becoming aware of it. Telling myself Im fine and beautiful. Then I think about whether or not Im actually hungry. If the answer is no then I tell myself I can eat it when Im hungry. I then ask myself why I'm wanting to over eat. It usually helps just to take a step back and think about it.

User Profile: simplysweet
simplysweet OP April 21st, 2015

Thank you guys so much for replying! Its really helped me out and I'm feeling 100x better today. Can't thank you all enough!! <3

User Profile: JosieWosie
JosieWosie August 11th, 2015

I'm exactly the same. Up until I was about 14, I was dangerously skinny. I didnt like eating as I was afraid Id get sick, I was an anxious kid. Now its the total opposite. I cant stop eating. I binge on junk, to the extent that I feel sick afterwards, and force myself to bring it back up. Im so ashamed and just want to be skinny. Exercise doesnt help me :(