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I don't even... Yeah

User Profile: crimsonFriend2082
crimsonFriend2082 May 3rd, 2022

Hey I'm Trista I'm 16 and I started binging well since I was 10 really. I would sneak food in my room and eat it there. But it didn't really start to get bad until 2019 ish and it comes and goes like I can go a week or 2 without binge eating but then I all of a sudden do it for 2 weeks or so. I find that it normally happens around stressful times of the year ( summer for the beach body, Christmas, Halloween, new years, or any day that I have school) I did do the Chloe tings workout last year the 2 week shred( 🤪 because who didn't do that one ) and honestly I loved it indidbit for 4 weeks kept the w0lbs that I lost off till now. I'm slowly gaining it back but I need to start working out again before summer because I'm going on vacation so I'll be like 180 170 ish (maybe if I get lucky I'll get to 165😏) but I'm sure it won't happen because my body hates itself for some reason.

User Profile: caringSun8693
caringSun8693 May 3rd, 2022

@crimsonFriend2082 hello. i am very sorry that you have been dealing with this. Eds are very tricky and confusing. One thing that could help to hear (and i know it is hard) is that trying to lose weight is what will cause the binging and purging episodes to occur. It is a vicious cycle that seems impossible to break but with hard work you can learn to have a healthy relationship with food and your body. I am here to help you so please feel free to pm me if you need anything

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User Profile: caringSun8693
caringSun8693 May 3rd, 2022

@caringSun8693 also losing weight will not give you happiness in the long term. It might seem comforting or exciting at first, but then it is just miserable. There is nothing wrong with your body. Our bodies are designed to do their best to keep us alive. It is a biological part of humans to be hungry or to need food. You are not a bad person for not eating food. You are simply taking care of your body. I know that this is all a lot easier said than done but i hope it helps

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User Profile: crimsonFriend2082
crimsonFriend2082 OP May 3rd, 2022

❤️ thanks

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