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Eating disorder

Lexi9715 March 2nd, 2015

I'm anorexic and I use to be [edited by Anomalia to remove weight specifics] I lost weight in a unhealthy way sad Im trying so hard to stop with my problem because I don't want to loose to much weight

creativeLion138 March 2nd, 2015

PLEASE try and get BETTER hun! I know that your STRONG & can get through this ! I BELIEVE in you ! Best of LUCK on RECOVERY I wish you all the BEST @creativelion138

Lexi9715 OP March 2nd, 2015

I'm trying to get help

creativeLion138 March 3rd, 2015

WELLDONE !!! That's GREAT !!!

ferret9125 March 3rd, 2015

First of all it's not your fault and getting help is the right thing. Second you are beautiful and always have been. Third you will get through this. I've been there, multiple times and survived.Now I know that I must nourish my body and it is not for others to look at and it is not for me to control in a harmful way. It is for me to love and it is an instrument to help others.