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Facially Deformed but still Fantastic

considerateSkies4150 April 20th, 2022

Hey guys. I’m Al, I have a lymphatic malformation on my face that is sometimes incredibly painful and essentially looks and feels like I got sucker punched, but idk I’m taking it day by day and some days are better than other. Unfortunately today is not one of the great days and I’m debating on whether I want the physical pain of a mask today or the emotional pain of not wearing one and being asked what’s wrong with my face ( At a place where Covid spread is almost non-existent ). If there are any other friends out there with facial deformities/abnormalities/differences I’d love to get to know y’all :)

FrenchMarbles April 21st, 2022


Welcome to the community! My name is FrenchMarbles, a project agent for Disability Support!

Congratulations on joining a wonderful sub-community, we're excited to have you and I hope you find this place to be a welcoming community. The forums are a great place if you're not wanting to have an instant reply but to connect with many of our members however the waiting time can seem like forever but fear not, they will come!

It does sound like you're becoming a little anxious over other people watching you and wondering what they think when they see you, that's understandable.

You can also have a look through the disability Q&A to see if anyone out there has a similar disability as you and feel free to add one to the Q&A! We're so excited that you're here!

If you feel you'd benefit from a one on one conversation with one of our amazing trained listeners; you can click on this magical link and it'll take you straight there.

Be mindful that while we have thousands of amazing listeners, not all of them are experienced with disabilities so what you can do is press 'more filters' and then select your ideal listeners, read through their profiles to see if you feel it's a good match.

You're also welcome to PM (Private Message) me anytime, I might not be able to respond straight away but I'm more than happy to lend a listening ear whenever I can <3

MyNameIsNicole April 21st, 2022


Hi Al, it's nice to meet you. I will check around the forums, there should be some people with deformities as well. Once I find the thread, I'll share it with you❤️