What do you want your partner to know?
Chronic illness and disability makes us rather unreliable when it comes to being an active member of a relationship. We might not be able to clean up, socialize, take care of the kids, etc.
What is something you want to tell your spouse, partner, significant other about how youre feeling when you feel you arent being all you want to be in a relationship?
@StrongSpoonie I think this is a great question! My husband has been really supportive but I wish someties he could know what I actually feel symptom-wise as there's only so much that can be properly communicated and thus understood. It goes in reverse too, for the most part he's pretty healthy but we suspect he has restless legs syndrome and while I try to be supprotive I really don't understahd what he actually feels with it. There have been acute instances as well. I think in general most people tend to think someone else's symptom isn't quite as bad as it really is.