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Fibromyalgia? I'm desperate.

User Profile: Booklover95
Booklover95 January 9th, 2022

Hey everyone. So I've been dealing with chronic pain and fatigue for the last 6 years due to my IBS.

After many years of being told this was the *only* thing I had, finally a new doctor listened to me and told me I may have an autoimmune illness. However I'll only have any confirmation next month and I'm feeling very overwhelmed.

My doctor did a physical exam for fibromyalgia but he didn't diagnose me yet, because again we're waiting on the other exams and I can't wait until next month... I'm in so much pain and anxiety. I know no one here is a doctor but if you can, please answer these questions below:

1) do your joints hurt? If so, more in the morning and night?

2) can ibs and fibromyalgia be related? Do you have both?

3) if you got diagnosed with this condition did your doctor do a "pressure points" type of exam?

4) do your fingers go numb/sting?

5) does your brain go... foggy? like you can't remember anything? specially during a flare up?

6) what symptoms do you experience in your daily basics?

7) How do you live a normal life with chronic pain? Do you work?

Thank you in advance. I know this is a huge thread but I can't handle this pain anymore.

User Profile: wonderfulRainbow817
wonderfulRainbow817 January 10th, 2022

Hey @Booklover95. I am so sorry you are in pain. While I do not have this condition some of the points you asked about I do have.

My joints do hurt but more at night, except they do hurt for the first 5 minutes of being awake for the day.

I had a pressure point test done but that was more neuropathy related. With neuropathy my fingers do go numb and sting, but mainly when a pressure point has been hit.

My brain gets foggy during one of my autonomic disorder flare up moments.

I experience all of the symptoms above plus headaches/migraines, fatigue, heart palpitations, temperature intolerance, dizziness/lightheaded, and syncope.

I try to live the best I can. Some days my best is 90% and others my best is only 40%. I manage each of my symptoms with different treatment whether it is physical therapy, medication, or some other form of treatment. I do work, but in 5-6 hour shifts and at max 6 days a week. Eventually it would be nice to get a desk job where it would be less painful on my body

User Profile: courageousHuman5082
courageousHuman5082 September 13th, 2022

Hi Booklover 95

I've suffered from Fibromyalgia for the past 7 years diagnoised. I suspect I've had it a lot longer though.

Yes my joints do hurt getting out of bed first thing in a morning is worse. My knees back, kneck and shoulders are the worse ones.

I have Fibromyalgia and IBS. IBS is one of my main symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Yes I had the 18 pressure point exam done at a pain clinic to be diagnosed.

My middle ring and little fingers go numb if I'm leaning on my arms and they do tingle.

I have a terrible foggy head especially when asked a question. I can't retain information so anything important I have to write it down. Flare ups especially I can remember very little. Conversations can be very challenging as the words I want to say can be gone in seconds. I also can't always remember what people have said and I'm terrible with names.

Daily Chronic widespread pain, Migraines, Sensitivity to lights and bright colours. Some smells can trigger migraines. Mobility is a big one for me. I walk usually with a stick as my balance is terrible.Im a very slow walker due to pain and fatigue. I don't go out very much as it's exhausting. I have to pace myself as I get tired very easily. Depression is really bad. I'm being treated for bipolar. I'm starting anti psychotics soon to try and help with my mood swings and

very low mood.

I don't work I tried to live a normal life but failed at it daily. Having Chronic pain and fatigue isn't normal so I live my life very simple. I set myself achievable goals. Usually no more than 2 per day. Example washing the dishes, laundry etc.

I really hope this helps you and you get the help and support you need. I'm here for a chat if you want to know anymore. I'm still very new so I'm trying to navigate the site.

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User Profile: courageousHuman5082
courageousHuman5082 September 13th, 2022

I also have bad anxiety and panic attacks and have been treated for Chronic PTSD.

I suffer terrible in the winter and summer if we have a heatwave in both cases I get very bad flare ups and all symptoms are a lot worse than normal.

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