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Why I sometimes don't feel like I even belong...

Moj July 31st, 2017

...too functional to be disabled and too disabled to be functional. Where do I fit with the pain I experience and the limitations I have? Of do I just fit nowhere? Been a rough weekend of pain, struggling with the pain and lack of functionality...

AffyAvo July 31st, 2017

@Moj Sorry it's been a rough weekend.

Sadly, I think this 'too functional' thing hits most people with disabilties at some point, especially with invisible disabilities. I think I shared a link a while ago about a paraolympian sharing her struggles with that, I'll see if I can find it.

Moj OP July 31st, 2017

@AffyAvo thank you. heart And I'll keep my eyes open for your post.

Moj OP July 31st, 2017

Thank you @AffyAvo. I really appreciated reading this tonight.