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Multiple Disabilities

User Profile: MissAnn007
MissAnn007 March 2nd, 2015

I hate to even suggest that a forum for people with multiple disabilities might be helpful. But I have incurable cancer, a rare auto-immune disorder that affects several organ systems, two life-threatening heart problems, damaged kidneys (from a medical mistake), multiple spine injuries, a knee that needs surgery that I can't have because of medicine I had to take for the auto-immune disorder, and a "situational" depression that won't lift because my medical situation is not going to improve. It would be great for me to be able to connect with people who are facing multiple challenges, and who struggle as I do.

User Profile: FluffyPurryMonster
FluffyPurryMonster March 2nd, 2015

I, too, suffer from multiple disabilities & chronic pain (usually reasonably managed, but never really "comfortable". I have been homebound since October & living in New England, I'm still buried & the sidewalks & curb cuts are impassable. I think you have a good idea & there are more of us than most believe. It's hard to have a disability, to have several is something most don't truly understand & how they interact with or complicate each other can be, well, to say unsettling is kinda the biggest understatement I've made in awhile. I hope you're doing well & have good support.

User Profile: wonderfulMagic99
wonderfulMagic99 March 2nd, 2015

Unfortunately, when one has a severe condition, it doesn't seem that unusual to have additional problems.

I have multiple health problems myself, and they do feel quite burdensome at times.

I hope you get a bit of a lift from being here, and that some other people pop in!

User Profile: MissAnn007
MissAnn007 OP March 3rd, 2015

Hi Turtle,

I'm so sorry to hear that you are suffering. I lived in Vermont for 9 years and left the winter after I broke the same foot twice after slipping on the ice twice. It had just healed when I broke it the second time. I liked your description of "unsettling" -- I feel unsettled every time a new health problem crops up. And then I usually overthink it before I go to the doctor, to the point that it's always a welcome relief to discover I have a "normal" problem like a sinus infection, etc. I am always afraid of what shoe is going to drop next. One doctor will prescribe something that they are sure will help, and then the pharmacist won't fill the prescription because of my kidney problems, and then I'm in trouble for not complying with the doc. I had a major issue recently when I was prescribed heart medicine that absolutely could not be taken with my anti-depressant. The kinds of decisions I regularly have to make, the trade-offs, are something that most people don't suffer. I hope spring comes to you soon and that you are able to get out. Cabin fever is real. Best wishes from here.

User Profile: MissAnn007
MissAnn007 OP March 3rd, 2015

Hi Magic,

Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry you have health issues that are burdensome. I'm up for talking about how those burdens get lessened. I live alone so I feel I have the full weight of my own burdens most of the time. Best wishes to you.

User Profile: PeppermintSnowflake
PeppermintSnowflake October 17th, 2015

@MissAnn007 I think a multiple disabilities section would be a great idea. So often the issues tend to compound as bodies age or illnesses progress. I am living with a number of diagnosis and it can be difficult to say- go into a muscular dystrophy chat, when part of my issues with my muscular dystrophy is that I also have a genetic connective tissue disorder. Having multiple issues has "forced" me to be more intersectional with my understanding of disability- which has been good for me and my outlook/understanding of disability. At the same time, it can make it difficult to find support when support groups can be specific to one issue and you feel as if you are "derailing" the conversation when you bring up how another issue intersects with the specific issue of the support group.

I am a listener here, and anyone that has multiple disabilities and would like to chat can message me to set up a time. I'm on the east coast of the USA for time reference :) <3