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Looking for advice.

MommaGx3 August 17th, 2023

Hello all, I am a new member. I found you because I have been hunting around trying to find a place to just get some leads!

My mind is fuzzy and it is hard to string thoughts together at times. I also tend to be long winded, hah.i will try to keep this short.

The situation

I have filed for disability 3 times. I have not worked since 2019 when I was terminated due to frequent absences. I was just denied, and am about to file the appeal for this 3rd filing.

The concern

I am 45. I have a bachelor's. My previous work was in software solutions engineering. The judge in my first round pretty much said that I am young and educated and can still contribute to society. Second go round they said I didn't have a lot of records with "real" evidence showing instability. So since I was stable I should be able to work.

What I am looking for?

> what, if any, is the best specialty of doctor to see specifically to help with my disability claim?

> what, if any, is a medical test or evaluation that I should try to have done for my circumstances? (Will list below)

Would this be possible you think?

> I currently live in state B, with my husband and son. I was born in state A. Our family property (4 generations) is in state A. My mother and younger brother are disabled. I have seen the family doc there off and on over my life. I go home every year. I intend to spend the next couple of months in state A, because of my health, I will have to have a local doctor.

Now, in state B, all my doctors are part of one medical organization and they are very.... "it is only our way, we are God's of medicine". Anyway, their policy is not to write anything claiming disability for patients. They don't want to be involved in that. So flat out my docs won't support my claim.

But, the family docs in state A feel differently. They might be willing to actually document opinions, impressions and suggestions.

Is it possible to offer medical records from another state with a note from that out of state doctor?

My current (as I can remember) diagnosis

> Genetic: connective tissue disorder

------ brother got the dx of Marfans in the 80s, but when I had my daughter evaluated early 2000s she got Ehlers Danlos

> Fibromyalgia

> Chronic fatigue

> Chronic Pain


> degenerative disc's, narrowing, spurs, arthritis, compound fracture, blood vessel tumor thing - so back issues

> malformed lft hip joint (congenital)

> Raynauds

> idiopathic neuropathy


> Trigeminal Neuralgia

> plantar fascists

> insomnia

> PTSD (with unresolved trauma)

> generalized anxiety disorder

> major depression

And, I have completely shut myself down. Completely, isolated. I have not a single individual outside a family circle that I can name as a friend. I am not a member of any group, club, organization, etc. I get no support from my husband. I had started attending group therapy, DBT. But there was an issue at the office and it disbanded.

I have now lost my train of thought. I hope this is enough information for someone to have some thoughts or ideas for me? If you have any questions please let me know!


zaatarHoney August 18th, 2023


Applying for disability is made out to be such a rigorous process in many parts of the world - which is pretty counterintuitive as those who are applying have enough challenges as is.

I know here in the states, we have 211 or that provides local resources like legal services - and there is approximately a 60-day appeal period or so for us in which they may be able to assist you in getting that put together. Often, it's said that people are often denied a couple times - so having legal services in your corner can be quite helpful for many.

With that said, I'm wondering if that may be helpful to you or inspire other options that you may be able to consider where you live.

I wish you the perseverance you need for the days and weeks ahead in getting the support you're needing. Keep us updated here if you'd like - to process any of it, to seek support, or even just to vent as it's undeniably frustrating. & Cheers, friend.

MommaGx3 OP August 18th, 2023

Thank you @zaatarhoney I appreciate your kind words. I am also in the states. I also have an attorney. We file my appeal on the 29th. I asked her the same questions and she said she didn't know. I haven't tried this 211 yet tho. I will try it!

AffyAvo August 29th, 2023

@MommaGx3 It's different systems where I am, so no tips but I do hope you're successful.

As for a groups, you are welcome here 😃

lovelyApple6441 August 31st, 2023

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, all medical tests should be cleared by a doctor.

Hi! I actually have some of the same symptoms to conditions you listed, so I can relate to this post quite a bit. In terms of specialties you could look into, a lot of your conditions seem to be autoimmune related, so I would suggest Rheumatology. Neurology might also be good for the neuropathy, neuralgia, etc and Psychiatry for the mental health disorders. And maybe a gastroenterologist for the IBS? In terms of tests, perhaps X rays for back issues/hip issues, and some doctors might refer you for an electromyography test to rule out certain nerve conditions, but again, you should ask the specialists you visit about that. Hope this helps!