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Disability pride month

uniqueShell1180 July 3rd, 2023

Hi All

As a Trans Man who suffers with multiple disabilities I for one celebrate disability pride month. I am so glad that I am listener here at 7 cups helping you guys out with your worries and everything else.

I would like to say that July is Disability pride month so happy disability pride month to all of you

Have a great month . Be you be amazing

beck1 July 4th, 2023

@uniqueShell1180 I'm really glad that you are part of this community too!!

If you would like to help out with the Disability Support Sub Com, we would love that too! @AffyAvo is a great person to ask about things and she is absolutely amazing!

But let us know if that is something you would be interested in! We are always looking for help in the Disability Support Room

uniqueShell1180 OP July 7th, 2023

Would love to and it's he/ him

beck1 July 7th, 2023

@uniqueShell1180 Sure thing 😊 Feel free to message me and we can chat if you would like to help out

AffyAvo July 4th, 2023

@uniqueShell1180 Happy Disability Pride Month!

Like Beck mentioned we will be celebrating it! If you want to host an activity or pass on suggestions, please do so!

We haven't started it here at 7cups as there's so much going on for the 10th birthday celebrations, once those wrap up we will be ready to celebrate with the disability community.