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Yoga and Pilates

SunnySmiles September 9th, 2014

I'm a 20 year old female college student with cerebral palsy. I just started a yoga I class and a Pilates I class. My main goalsfor the classes are to pass themand lose 40 pounds. But I'm nervous because my first days didn't go weell in my eyes. The teachers said I did great, but I just see myself as a failure.

Deetaharp September 9th, 2014

Hi! I don't have cerebral palsy but one of my favorite person the the whole world does. I cannot offer you much but his name is Zach Anner and he's brought joy to my life.
I hope if you have 5 mins see his videos on youtube here:

lots of love, Dee

DonaldK November 5th, 2014

You are not a failure. Click Here! Please message me.

Stevenkotler March 13th, 2018

Hello Sunny,

I will say only one thing you just need to keep patience and do pilates on daily basis you will get fruitful result one day.


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kenneth08 July 28th, 2023

Hi there! It's fantastic that you've started yoga and Pilates classes – congratulations on taking that step! Don't be too hard on yourself; it's completely normal to feel nervous at the beginning. Remember, progress takes time, and every small step counts. Focus on your goals, believe in yourself, and be kind to yourself during this journey. Keep listening to your teachers' positive feedback and trust their guidance. Remember, you're not alone, and there are many resources available to support your weight loss goals. Check out the BetterMe Wall Pilates review( ) for helpful tips and motivation. Keep going, and you'll do great! 💪😊