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Spinal cord injury

Twocusmile30 May 28th, 2023

Crushed 7, 6, 5, and 4 in the t section of spinal cord. Broke all my ribs, missing bone of hip and rib to fix spinal area. Numb waist down and lost dexterity to left hand.

Lifeson May 30th, 2023

@Twocusmile30, I'm so sorry. How are things going? Are you doing physical therapy? Any updates on your situation? Wishing you the best!

Twocusmile30 OP June 1st, 2023

Doctors said I would not be able to use my legs or left arm again but thank I thank God they were wrong. I try to look and function normal among the public. I compete with healthy men my age in senior Olympics, paddle rivers, ride a bike, and do my best. Although, my morning starts with (yoga, stretching, bending, or whatever) until I can begin the day. As I age that part of my daily routine extends.

SwingOfThings September 4th, 2023

Hi. I’ve come on here looking for support from people in a similar position. My injuries were 7 fractured vertebrae, 2 unstable requiring fixation. 8 fractured ribs both front sides and one side at the back. Lacerated spleen and punctured lung.

Like you I’m active and this has floored me! I have a horse (fell off hence injuries) and ski, rock climb and hike with my dog - all of which has stopped.

Im now 3 months on and am fully mobile again just in a lot of pain and a lot fatter for the lack of exercise.

I’ve just been cleared to drive, swim and cycle but to be honest I’m still a bit traumatised and there’s the fear. I had a couple of episodes where I had loss of feeling again and “overdoing it” scares me - but then I’m going insane being stuck in the house. I’ve even started Pokemon go to give me an incentive to get moving!

I hope your recovery is progressing still :)