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My pain hurts!

User Profile: Julienjesus
Julienjesus September 11th, 2021

My name is Julie and I suffer from chronic pain. I need a knee replacement and I have a spine disorder a bulging disc it can create nerve pain. It can rise to a level 10 pain. I'm getting ready to go into pain management. Life is really hard right now. I have some weight to lose which will alleviate some of the pain. I've already lost 25 lb. I'm always in pain and don't really know how to deal with it yet. I hope you all are finding ways to deal with your pain and I hope to learn.😉

User Profile: Helgafy
Helgafy September 11th, 2021

Good luck with your knee-operation. Very good that you lost some weight if you were weighing too much.
It must be really hard to feel pain all the time. Hope you learn to manage it a bit.heart
And must Jesus help you @Julienjesus. He sais: I'll not leave you nor forsake you.

User Profile: wonderfulRainbow817
wonderfulRainbow817 September 12th, 2021

Hey @Julienjesus! I feel ya. Chronic pain is no easy thing to deal with. I am sorry that it is making life difficult right now. From my own experience I know how hard it can be to remain positive at times. It is easier said than done to remain positive but I've found that it has allowed me to focus on what I can control. Yes, chronic pain is no easy thing, but I prefer to look at it as the fact that it allows me to adapt in ways I never saw before. I am more mature and determined than most because of it. Now, on the physical sides of things it really has been about taking time for me. With each new medical condition I was diagnosed with I had to learn a new set of symptoms and what to do about them and when. It takes patience but eventually we get there. Even if it is 2 steps forward and 3 steps backward.

User Profile: Julienjesus
Julienjesus OP September 12th, 2021

Thank you both so much for your kind words and encouragement. I really needed to hear it. Thanks for the reminder that he will never leave me nor forsake me. Sometimes it gets so rough I think he has but I know better.

Thanks to relating to me also sometimes it feels like nobody understands what I go through. But it sounds like you really do. I'm glad you have found positive ways to deal with your pain. I'm going to look at the positive side of this. Thanks so much both of you