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Living with Hypothyroidism and/or Hyperthyroidism

AnimationGirl April 26th, 2016

I'm new to 7cups and I'm just kind of roaming the forums. Looking at the chronic pain & illness forum, I'm curious if anyone lives with

At age 5 I was diagnosed with Graves' Disease (hyperthyroidism), and I've struggled in many ways to try and get my thyroid levels to a point where I was able to feel...normal. Not sleeping, flashing between hot/cold, chronic pain from having a weak body at such a young age was an issue...especially since I also had to struggle with developing social skills (I lived in southern Germany the first half of my childhood, then moved to America where I was relentlessly bullied mentally and physically until 10th was the turn of the century, so school protection from bullying really wasn't a thing).
At age 13 I had a proceedure done to remiss my thyroid into hypothyroidism, which I've been living with since. It's been...a struggle in a different way. The fluxuations of controlling my thyroid has led to the development of many issues with my mental health: depression, anxiety/OCD, on top of the other chronic issues I deal with due to the disease itself.

I'm curious if anyone else on here suffers from hypo or hyperthyroidism? Graves/Basedow or Hashimoto's disease? I've never met anyone else (under 55) with my condition, so it's been a bit hard to find people who relate, ya know?

Noemiigonzalez27 April 26th, 2016

@AnimationGirl I'm new to 7 cups as well. I'm only 15 and I know what its like to be bullied . I'm here because of stress, anxiety, and eating disorders. And I feel like I can't talk to any of my family members because they wouldn't understand. I'm really young to be doing this but I need the help. anyways, If this doesn't help me, I hope it helps you.

MLB5g April 26th, 2016


I'm 38 with Graves Disease diagnosed 5 years ago. It can be difficult to manage. I understand how you feel.

Supernova72 June 23rd, 2016

@AnimationGirl I'm new here but old to hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed 5 years ago after meeting my now husband. I put on about 30 pounds and could hardly wake up. I used to be an insomniac previously. I still have sleep issues and was diagnosed hashimotos last year. The joint aches are atrocious and hard to explain to people. No one cares that half your skeleton feels like it's being crushed or is on fire. I get fatigued easily. I try to eat right and exercize but fatigue gets in the way. I eat things like salads and dotn lose weight. I would have to go on a liquid diet from a doctor to make progress. So I've gotten ok with how I am now. Immune disorders tend to stack so I have dealt with IBS as well. I don't know the difference between hypo and hyper as I've always had hypo. Having both must have been difficult... sometimes I feel like nothing fixes it!

MLB5g December 25th, 2017

I'm 40 and was diagnosed with Graves disease 4 years ago. They found it when I developed tachycardia and stayed in hospital for 3 days until they got my heart rate under control.

I've since taken the radioactive iodine treatment to obliterate my thyroid gland; only it didn't work completely. Now I struggle with keeping my levels normal and the weight fluctuations are creating a great deal of stress/depression for me.

I also developed a severe panic disorder, OCD tendencies, and agoraphobia. I completely understand the struggle. It's extremely difficult.

raspberryKitten7086 January 30th, 2018

I have Hashimoto's that is well into the hypothyroid stage and only acts up a couple times year now. My anxiety tends to get bad when my thyroid hormones are out of whack; I can feel pretty well when I need it checked up on. It comes with feelings of coldness and deadness and lack of energy, and it feels really sick. I am not totally sure how badly it affects my mental health when I am stable on meds.

KTPalooza December 9th, 2018

I've previously been diagnosed with Hashimoto's and as of yesterday found that my thyroid levels areout of whack again. I'vebeen cold, lazy, anxious all the time and just generally in very poor mental (and physicla health) Any advice withhow to deal with the mental implications from Hashimoto's...or other thyroid issues? @raspberryKitten7086

forcefulAvocado8234 January 12th, 2019

I'm 24 and was diagnosed with Hashimoto's at 18. I've been told it's odd to be diagnosed before age 30. Both me and my younger sister have it. About 2 years ago, my thyroid was 4 times its normal size. Because it was getting more and more out of control, my endo recommended removal. When they removed it, it did have some nodules, but they were not cancerous. We're still working on getting the right dose of thyroid replacement. I guess if I had to have a chronic illness, Hashimoto's is a pretty easy one to live with, I'm just constantly aching and exhausted. Though on top of anxiety and depression, some days are really rough.

exuberantMaple397 July 18th, 2019

Im in my 40s and was diagnosed with Hashimotos 3 years ago. Fatigue/exhaustion, muscle aches, aching joints, weight gain (I cannot lose weight), brittle nails, and dry skin are some of my continuing symptoms even though I take thyroid supplement daily. On top of that I have asthma, migraines, GAD, OCD and depression.

bernardharrison July 18th, 2021

If you have this problem, I can tell you a great medicine in which you can buy high-quality levothyroxine at affordable prices. Levothyroxine, also known as Thyroxine and Euthyrox, is a medicine used to treat hypothyroidism, also known as an underactive thyroid gland, which replenishes hormones that the body does not naturally produce.