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Hi im new here

Gettingby40 August 28th, 2018

Hello I live with lupus, aps, inflammatory authorities and my list goes on. I've been put on chemo to help my lupus but they think I might have to switch to a different one more powerful called cytoxin (i hope I spelled that the right way) I also have to take weekly benlysta injections too. I will have to take these medications for the rest of my life. Some days are definitely better than others, however today seems to be ok with low pain.

TreaureSeekers3 August 28th, 2018

Hi there, welcome to 7 cups . I

I'm so sorry your going through. I don't understand how this must be affecting you. I've never been through it but what is there to say I might go through it . You never know.

You seem to be really brave at this moment . I hope your getting the right support and care from loved ones . Also that your staying positive and your staying strong .

Remember we're here anytime of any day. There's always someone to talk to day or night .hugs

Please take care x

delightfulUnicorn38 July 4th, 2019



i m sorry for what you have to deal with, i hope you are fine now

stay strong heart