New and Alone
I am 31 years old and have been diagnosed with Borderlibe Personality Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder (treatment resistant), and C-PTSD. I’ve dealt with mental health issues since I was 13 (the first time I told my mom I was depressed was when I was 8 but it is widely believed children that young cannot experience depression)
i am married and my husband is “understanding” of my mental health struggles.
I do not have family or friends to rely on or gain support from. My husband is mostly gone and I am mostly alone with our 4 kids.
I am 7 months pregnant and suffer from pregnancy depression (or the pregnancy has simply intensified the MDD) since September 2021.
I have tried various SSRI, SNRI, SARI and at best, they end up ineffective or I end up completely numb.
I have lost count of the number of CBT therapists I have seen and live in an area that does not offer DBT.
I hope that this app and community will be different and replace some of the support network that I simply do not have available to me. I’ve run out of options and avenues.