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I'm new here.

thegothicpoet September 22nd, 2021

Hello everyone, I'm 44 male from the UK, I have been diagnosed with depression recently but have struggled longer than I can remember, I find it hard to talk about things with people and have always hidden everything in my head, but I struggling more and more lately as my head is too full now. I am hoping to try and talk to someone about things but someone who is patient as I am very introverted and find it hard to talk without getting anxious.

VioletSpringGlade October 12th, 2021


Hi! Is it good to have a diagnosis? Sometimes it can be a relief to at have a name and validation of what we have been struggling with.

Yes it can be so hard for many people to talk about their thoughts, we are often often taught from birth to hide our real self and it can take a lot of practise to change that. But eventually I think we have to, our head gets so full as you said and the thoughts get more tangled and a stress on our every moment.

Good on you for reaching out and sharing here, you have made a start. 🤗It can take a while to find someone we feel safe talking to, but when we find that it can be such a huge relief to get it all out, and not be judged.

Have you found anyone yet? How are you doing? 💛