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Depression rolls in storms

ChasingStorms October 29th, 2017

My name's Chase. I have been dealing with depression for a long time. Since I was about 11. . .and I'm almost 22. I used to deal with it easily. Or so I thought. But I've since learned that self harm is not "dealing with it." I haven't done such a thing in months and even though I want to be proud of that I can't. Because I've made it longer before. Depression has been hitting me harder the older I grow. I find it hard to even get out of bed for anything. My significant other has to drag me out of bed just to go to work or to even eat. Today I didn't wake up until 6pm. Which is how I seem to spend my days off. But there is nothing inherently wrong with my life. I don't know why I feel this way and it truly is eating away at me. . .

LilGreenBird October 29th, 2017

Hello and welcome to 7cups Chase. I'm sorry to hear you've been experiencing depression and self harm for such a long time. The journey to recovery can be a long one and even if you've 'been better before' or 'made it longer' without self harm before, it doesn't make your refrain from self harm for months any less valid or important. You've managed to stop and that is what matters right now.

I say this very often but I think it's important to know that depression usually happens for no reason at all. You could have the most perfect life and it can still affect you, as it affects people from all walks of life. It's the nature of depression to make us feel horrible even when we have no reason to feel that way.

There are many options for help seeking if you should choose to find it, be it through psychologists, psychiatrists or counsellors. In the mean time, I hope that 7cups can provide some comfort to you. Take care!

adoredHug70 October 30th, 2017


Hello Chase I feel the same way too, having a great friend who make goals with me daily helps in this condition. I understand how you feel and I have been suffering from depression as well. I make small tiny goals and try to reward myself as often as I can so I can have at least, some motivation to go on in life. I know it is hard but you have come to the right place and there are plenty of people who will support you. I am not saying you can immediately cure from this, as you know depression comes in waves and hit you daily and for a long time, just want to point out that this is your support system and you have a support system ready for you here. Keep trudging on.