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About me.

cyberlana99 January 19th, 2019


Im not very big on using my real name on here. So, I suppose Ill just be going by my username. I have been suffering from depression since I was young. From what I can remember it started in 7th grade, I was diagnosed in 8th. Went to therapy that my family couldnt afford so I unfortunately had to stop not too soon after. It seemed for the rest of my time in school, it would be up and down. Some years would be brutal, others manageable. I thought maybe I had already experienced the worst of my mental illness but clearly, thats not true. It got worse when I got involved in a long going situation that just contributed much more to it. I successfully have gotten myself out of it now, but, still suffer the after effects still to this day. I am a college student now and being in this lonely big school where I struggle to make friends is making this harder for me. I have been struggling for years to take a grasp of my depression (and other problems) and cope with it. But I have yet to be sucessful trying to cope with it. I hope this app can help me get on the path to managing it.

lavenderpeach1107 April 2nd, 2020

@cyberlana99 Hi there my friend. Depression can be such a difficult thing to have to deal with. I've had depression basically all my life and it is one heck of a battle! I'm sorry that you have to go through it too. Thank you for sharing your story with us here. It takes a lot of courage to reach out and I'm glad that you did. Hopefully you are finding the support you need on 7 Cups. Have a beautiful day!