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When life just feels like it never gets better.

LoveCabelloCane29 November 17th, 2019

Hello so honestly I don't really know how to start this so I'll just jump right into it. I'm male,19 years old and I live in Italy. I'm currently in my last year of high school. I have a rare illness called Moebius Syndrome which is basically a facial paralysis. As you can might guess I was held back one year at high school which was tough to accept but I guess life is tough. I live with my mother and siblings,while my father moved out as my parents divorced. The divorce was a pretty rough time to go trough as it was also a fierce fight between my parents who didn't shy away to involve us in their fight. I never really felt a good relationship to my family as I was always treated like an idiot an called stupid. And with me being held back at school I do feel that way. Last September I started my final and last year of high school and I quickly realized it will be the hardest school year I'll have to get trough not just physically but also emotionally with a lot of stress and problems. My biggest problems at school have often been they way teachers and classmates see me which is as a stupid and awkward person who basically doesn't only have a paralysed face but also a paralysed brain too. I tried to convince them that I'm not stupid but it never really worked out they all still treat me like I'm a stupid person.... and to add insult to injury something strange started happening to me at school at certain subject and certain situations I started getting a strange feeling and I started questioning "why do we exist,do we exist?",my heart started to race and I still could breath but I felt like it didn't help anything even If i was getting enough air i wasn't having enough air....idk why this happens but it still happens to me this year again just at school and just while certain subjects and situations and at the beginning I could manage it but since last Thursday when we changed our seat/desk and I was moved in another place it just got worse which makes me believe it probably is something with stress otherwise I couldn't explain why this only happens at school and during certain subjects......I'm really considering telling a teacher about this but I'm a bit scared that this would lead to me being labelled as "weird" but most importantly I just don't know if this would help out or not.....but I also don't want to keep it secret and maybe one day faint in class. Just all this stress and problems make me even more depressed and I feel like I'm not gonna be able to get trough this year......I just don't know what to do anymore. But thanks to everyone who read this I really appreciate the time you took to read this. Hope y'all have a great rest of the day and a great start in the new week.

skybluecollar November 20th, 2019

Dear @LoveCabelloCane29,

Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you know that last year of highschool is always a stressful period - not only to you but also to most other students. Ive been hearing people, including my parents, calling me stupid several times but guess what, I have just graduated college and passed through the first interview round.

I hope you know this: sometimes people never know what they are saying and doing. And their actions might harm others without them really had any intention at all. After a nights sleep, they forgot it all but the sadness is real. The trick is, you need to forgive them all, so that every moment passes by belongs to your own future.

My final advice, if you struggle in studying, find a tutor. If you struggle in relationships, find a school counsellor. 10 years from now, when you already have a stable job and a pet who welcomes you home with all its heart, what happening will not matter anymore.

Contact me here when you want a conversation.

Your friend

MonicaQu November 17th, 2019

Hey there!

Thanks for sharing a bit about your life and the struggles you are going through. The last year at high school can be pretty stressful as there is a lot of pressure on your back to do well.

And moving desks/chair I'd feel uncomfortable because you'd be beside someone different or in a place which isn't familiar.

Thanks for sharing about your rare illness I'd want others to treat me the same as others and give you a chance in things. I'd feel upset about being held a year at high school and it would be hard if you hear anyone saying something about that.

I'd feel sad thinking about the fights your parents went through the divorce. It seems you had to deal with a huge change and it would have been hard to adjust.

Would be nice to chat some more will send you a message! @LoveCabelloCane29