I’m so drained, and no one even notices that. I wanna lean to someone but i have no one i can trust. It’s tiring, my shoulders are sore and heavy.
I'm really sorry you are feeling this way. It can be really hard when you feel like you aren't noticed, *offers hugs*. Please try and fight these feelings, remind yourself are you worth caring about, and deserve self-love.
Do you think it would help if you took some time to look after yourselves?
To build yourselves back up again and make tomorrow a better day?
We are here for you, to be the person to lean on. Please feel free to browse for a listener here: https://www.7cups.com/BrowseListeners/ likewise my private messages are always open if you wanted a safe and non-judgment place to express yourself.
I really hope you find the support, care and validation here at 7cups, and are feeling better very soon!
Liz 💛