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The Depression Bug

User Profile: BunnyBooUwU
BunnyBooUwU August 3rd, 2020

Ello! I'm BunnyBooUwU! I have decided to share another Thread about depression. This time though, it's a bit different. I'm going to talk abotu ways we can try to avoid depression, and such.

First, I want to talk about the word Depression itself. It's such a weird word, to say in your mouth. It can be bitter, or it can just be tasteless. Either way, it's not a word that I really like saying. In fact, I feel uncomfortable just typing it right here!

I like to think of depression as a little bug, or little devil, sitting on my shoulder, right by my ear, whispering stuff like, "Your worthless" or, "Nobody loves you." Which is totally not true! You may be going through the most challenging thing in your life, or no challenge at all, you might have a perfect life. It doesn't mean you can't get depression.

I watch a lot of little skits, usually made on Youtube by Gachatubers, but what I really hate is the stereotypical depressed person. There pretty much a no personality person, who never talks, always wear black, usually there hear is also black, and nobody likes them, there always bullied, and there abused. This ticks me off because that's not true.

I have depression, and a short explanation of my life: I do not wear dark colors, I actually really like light pastel colors, I have other feeling, other than sad. I have friends, and only a few people bully me, and my parents don't abuse me.

Usually, when I start to feel my self doubt and bad thoughts in my head, I pretend that the bug or devil on my shoulder is saying it, so mentally, I flick him to the ground, and stomp on him. Or physically, which makes my parents give me weird looks, heh heh. Then, I try to think of some good things, or I preoccupy myself by doing something, like read, eat, watch something on tv, call someone, etc. This really helps for me! So, I'm hoping it will help for y'all too! I love sharing stuff with you guys, especially if it will help!

Sorry this was soooo loong. I just needed to get it out. This is actually a shortened version though, heh heh! For finishing though, you get a cookie!! UwU

User Profile: magneticShoulder3193
magneticShoulder3193 August 4th, 2020


wow, this is such a great message! I'm proud of you for battling your depression and trying to help others, you seem like such a strong person. I wish you the best of luck on your mental health journey.

Take care!