I’m sad
I’m 13 years old. When I try to seek for help people always say that I’m too young to feel that way or that it’s just a phase but I know it’s not. I haven’t been feeling good mentally for a really long time. Now It’s just became worse. The older I get the harder it gets. I recently found out that I am a part of the LGBTQ+ community and it’s even harder now. I came out to my parents and they aren’t really happy and accepting. Because of everything I finally reach out for help to my friends. At first I thought I gonna get better but they didn’t say anything and one friend said he hasn’t been feeling good as well and all the attention went to him. I’m scared for him as well but I really needed to talk to someone. I just don’t know what to do.
Who's telling you this? Adults should try to go you if you need it. What's going on exactly what are you feeling so maybe I can give better advice.
To put it simply. I don’t wanna live. Every time I’m going to sleep I wish I won’t wake up. Every day is a new fight. I don’t have anyone to talk to.
Let's make the fight a better fight okay. I know it is hard for you when others are trying to shut you for this, maybe because they want to keep you in denial. I really hope that one day you will wake up with fresh mind. Lets live the life to the fullest.